Without a doubt, trying to manage all of your debts can be daunting. It requires a great deal of time, which in turn can cause a great deal of stress. This is especially the case when you have many different creditors, all of whom are demanding that you make a minimum payment each month. And once the debts are passed on to a collection agency, the phone starts ringing day and night. While all of this activity can begin to grate on your nerves, the affordable Jennings bankruptcy lawyers at The Bankruptcy Company want to make your life a whole lot easier. Our goal is to put you in a much better position moving forward so that you can rebuild your credit, reestablish your finances, and regroup your life.
We Will Wipe out all of Your Unsecured DebtsA Jennings Chapter 7 bankruptcy will get rid of all your unsecured debts. This would include things like medical bills, deficiencies from a car repossession or home foreclosure, and credit cards. It also puts an end to things like freezes on your bank accounts, garnishments of your wages, and judicial liens against your property. Just knowing that all of these things will come to a stop is usually enough to reduce the stress you have been experiencing, and let you see a light at the end of the tunnel. This fresh start / clean slate is exactly what our firm strives to give to our clients, and it can be yours as well.
Jennings, Missouri, is a city near St. Louis. Its population is around 15,000 people, and continues to grow. The founder of the city was named James Jennings, who was a farmer from Virginia. Upon arriving, Mr. Jennings bought up several tracts of land, and subsequently allowed the railroad access through his farm. Today, Jennings offers several amenities for its citizens, such as Koeneman Park (which includes baseball fields, fishing lakes, walking trails, playgrounds, and picnic areas). It also boasts the last remaining drive-in theatre in the City of St. Louis.
Located in the Central West End of St. Louis, at 1 North Taylor, 63108, The Bankruptcy Company offers a free initial consultation. At this consultation, a St. Louis bankruptcy lawyer will make an assessment of your particular situation, describe your full range of options, answer all of your questions, and make sure that we help to guide you through the entire process (from start to finish). Call today to set an appointment to file a St. Louis bankruptcy that will change your life forever!
Call us at (314) 932-1067 or contact us through our website The Bankruptcy Company to set up your free consultation with our experienced St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys.