Patronizing Prostitution (Solicitation) Charges in St. Louis, MO - for as little as $450
Did you recently get charged for patronizing prostitution (soliciting a prostitute) in or around St. Louis, MO? Did the police officer allege that you had given value (paid money) to a prostitute in exchange for sex (or any kind of sexual activity)? Was the person with whom you engaged sexually above or below the age of 18? Do you know why that is an important question? Are you now looking into your legal rights and options? Are you aware of the negative consequences of simply pleading guilty to this charge? Do you know about the benefits of hiring a good attorney to help get you out of trouble?
Most St Louis MO Prostitution Solicitation Charges Can Be Handled For $450When most people are charged with solicitation involving a prostitute, they very rarely do anything to actively defend themselves. Most of the time, they just want the whole affair to be over with (or they believe that there is not much that can be done anyway). But that is not the case!! There is plenty that can be done on your behalf.
We Are Not Interested in Judging You or Your Circumstances. We Only Want to Offer Our HelpYou should first of all be made aware of the fact that if you choose to simply plead guilty to the charge, you will be facing a Class B Misdemeanor (which comes with up to six (6) months of jail time). And having such a charge on your permanent record can result in missed job opportunities down the road, and the loss of governmental benefits.
Instead, it makes much more sense to hire an experienced attorney to defend your legal rights!! At The Bankruptcy Company, we want to either get the charge reduced to some minor offense (like “littering,” which does not even show up on your record), or get the charge dismissed altogether. Either way, this is a better outcome than spending any time in jail!
The affordable St. Louis, MO prostitution solicitation defense attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company, have been helping people with their prostitution solicitation charges for over ten (10) years. Our goal is to make sure that the charges leveled against you do not stay on your permanent record, and do any lasting damage. And we want to do all of this at an affordable price. The fees for a typical St. Louis patronizing prostitution case start at $600. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today!!
We have two main locations: in the Central West End of St. Louis, at 4500 West Pine (on the corner of Taylor and Pine), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!