Filing For Bankruptcy in Edmundson MO
We can help you with your debts! And get you out from underneath the oppressive monthly bills!! And in the process, we can make sure that your creditors never bother you again!
How do we accomplish this? By filing a St Louis bankruptcy on your behalf!
For instance, a Chapter 7 will discharge all of your unsecured debts (things like credit cards, medical bills, payday loans, old utility bills, overdrawn bank accounts, etc.). And if you want to keep your assets (like a car or house), this is possible too!
The other main chapter of bankruptcy in St Louis is a Chapter 13. This is described as a repayment plan over the course of three (3) to five (5) years, during which certain debts are paid back. These debts would include: car loans (but paid back using a much lower interest than the rate of your current contract), delinquent mortgage payments (this can be especially helpful if you are facing a foreclosure), recent tax debt (because we sometimes have a chance to get old tax debt discharged), back child support, and sometimes a portion of your unsecured debts.
But the best way in which to determine the correct chapter of bankruptcy for you is by setting a free consultation with us!! This will give us a chance to answer all your questions, describe your full range of options, and make sure you get back on your financial feet! All you have to do is give us a call (or shoot us a text, send us an email, or fill out an online form)!! We look forward to hearing from you!
The affordable St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company have been saving and protecting people’s assets for years. Our goal is to make sure that you keep the assets and property you want, discharge the debts that you want to get rid of, and do it all at an affordable cost to you. All phone conversations and office consultations are free of charge.
Call us at St. Louis Office (314) 932-1067 or contact us through our website The Bankruptcy Company to set up your free consultation with our experienced St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys.