Give us a call right away if you have been charged with a misdemeanor in Shrewsbury MO (or anywhere else in the St Louis area). The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can begin to figure out the best course of action for your case.
For instance, if the arresting police officer violated your Constitutional rights (most specifically your 4th Amendment rights), then there could be a chance to get the charges dismissed. In the alternative, we had tremendous success getting a favorable outcome by working out a deal with the local prosecutor (in which he/she reduces the current charge down to something minor that will not show up on your record).
Pleading Guilty Is Not Your Best Option!!The unfortunate fact, however, is that most people never seek out the aid of an attorney. Sometimes this decision is based purely on economic affordability (which is exactly why we keep our fees as low as possible). But more often than not it is because people do not seem to believe that a misdemeanor is any big deal at all (like it’s the functional equivalent of a simple traffic ticket).
This is a complete misunderstanding of how the law works. For instance, if you were to plead guilty to the misdemeanor, it will become a part of your permanent record. This can have a tremendous impact on your future, since most entities that you’ll deal with down the road run criminal background checks. So if you were to apply for a job, rent an apartment, take out a business loan, or ask for student financial assistance, those organizations will see the conviction and very likely screen you out as a candidate.
But it does not have to turn out this way!! We have a much better plan in mind! And all you need to do is give us a call!
The affordable St Louis, MO criminal defense attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company, have been helping people with their criminal charges for over ten (10) years. We want to do everything we can to help you get the best possible outcome! We want to make sure that your record stays as clean!! And we want to do all of this at an affordable price. The fees for a typical St. Louis misdemeanor charge start at $450. Our fees for a low level felony charge start at $750. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today!!
We have two main locations: in the Central West End of St. Louis, at 1 North Taylor (on the corner of Taylor and Laclede), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!