When you are facing criminal charges in the St Louis area, then you want to make sure that you have someone experienced in your corner! Someone who cares about the outcome of your case. Someone who has the knowledge and expertise to handle something so sensitive (and potentially life altering). Because you do not want to handle such alone! A criminal charge is not something that you can “just take care of” by yourself.
Pleading Guilty Is Not Your Best Option!!Why? Because almost everyone who represents themselves (without the aid of an attorney) will do nothing more than end up pleading guilty to the charge. And when you plead guilty, you are allowing the state to put the conviction on your permanent record.
Why is this outcome bad? Because there are a great many people and/or organizations that run criminal background checks on potential applicants. Employers, landlords, loan officers, and government agencies. And if your record is unclean, then you could easily be screened out as a candidate (and miss out on the job, the apartment, or the student loan).
But it doesn’t have to end up going this way!! We have a much better plan in mind! At the very least, we would want to see about working out a deal with the local prosecutor to get the charges reduced to something minor (like “littering”) so that nothing negative shows up on your record. And if we are successful in accomplishing this goal, then you won’t have to worry about a messy record and all the problems that creates later on down the road!!
The affordable St Louis, MO criminal defense attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company, have been helping people with their criminal charges for over ten (10) years. We want to do everything we can to help you get the best possible outcome! We want to make sure that your record stays as clean!! And we want to do all of this at an affordable price. The fees for a typical St. Louis misdemeanor charge start at $450. Our fees for a low level felony charge start at $750. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today!!
We have two main locations: in the Central West End of St. Louis, at 1 North Taylor (on the corner of Taylor and Laclede), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!