The most common way in which people take care of their Wentzville Missouri speeding tickets is to simply pay the fine listed on the back of the citation. It’s easy, it’s straightforward, and it requires minimal effort on your part. But that’s by design. The state absolutely wants you to pay the fine listed on the back of the ticket (that’s why, as you’ll notice, there are specific instructions on the various ways you can make your payment to the clerk of the court). But what the court will not tell you on that ticket is all of the consequences that will come your way by making that decision.
Only $150 for Most Wentzville Missouri Arrest WarrantsBecause paying the fine on your Wentzville Missouri speeding ticket is the same thing as pleading guilty to it. And an admission of guilt will allow the state of Missouri to put points on your permanent driving record. What are points? “Points” are like little red flags that make it appear as if you are a bad driver (like someone who does not follow the law). In response to points becoming a part of your driving record, your automobile insurance provider will jack up your monthly rates through the roof. This sort of increase can be as much as 35% above your current premiums (and that’s if we are talking about only one or two points). If you calculate that out over the next several years, you’ll end up paying many thousands of dollars extra for insurance (money that could have gone towards basic living expenses).
Only $225 for Most Wentzville Missouri Driving While Suspended TicketsSo why would someone want to plead guilty and take points on their driving record? The main reason is because people are not fully aware of the long term consequences. Because when you look at the fines listed on the back of the ticket, it usually comes to about $100. And then when you talk to an attorney (like us), you are told that the legal fees to fix the ticket are $35, and then the court will double the fines to something like $225. These folks quickly do the math in their head, recognize that paying $100 right now is less, and go with that decision. But as I’ve mentioned, that is a very costly mistake.
Here’s one more thing you should know about points: getting too many of them will result in a suspension of your driving privileges. This can and will occur when you receive a lot of points within one year, and when this happens, the state will automatically suspend your license for a full year. That will be twelve months of catching rides with friends and family members (because if you are pulled over for driving on a suspended license, the state will hit you with a misdemeanor criminal charge).
So what can we do for you instead? What advantages are there when you hire an experienced Wentzville Missouri speeding ticket lawyer? Our main goal will be to get the ticket reduced from a moving violation down to a non-moving violation. This is because a non-moving violation does not come with any points to your driving record. And if there are no points to be concerned with, then there is no worries about higher insurance or a suspended license! So give us a call soon!!
The affordable Missouri traffic ticket lawyers at The Bankruptcy Company have been taking care of people’s traffic tickets and warrants for over ten (10) years. We specialize in making sure that your record stays clean, your insurance rates remain the same, and that you are free to travel about in your car as you please. And we want to do it all at an affordable price. The fees for recalling a standard arrest warrant are $150. The fees for handling a Driving While Suspended ticket start at $225. The fees for a typical traffic ticket start at $40. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!