How Prostitution Laws Work in St. Louis, MO

Most St Louis Missouri Prostitution Charges Can Be Handled for Only $450

When someone is charged with prostitution in St. Louis, MO (or anywhere else around the state), they usually do not seek out legal advice from an attorney. Most people (and we are almost always speaking about females) feel ashamed, or embarrassed, or worried that others will find out. As a result of this fear, the individual will end up doing anything about it, expect to plead guilty as charged. But there is a much better route to take!!

We Want to Get the Charge Reduced So That It Does Not Show Up on Your Record

First of all, you should know right away that everyone at The Bankruptcy Company (the attorneys, the paralegals, and the rest of the staff) wants to help. We are not there to judge, we are not going to make you feel bad about yourself, and we are not going make you believe that are a bad person. Almost every single woman who engages in prostitution does so for simple economic reasons (i.e. they need the money to pay the bills). And there are plenty of men out there willing to pay for those kinds of services.

$450 To Take Care of Most St Louis MO Prostitution Tickets

But if you are in fact charged and/or arrested, then you will definitely want to contact us right away!! Prostitution is described as a Class B Misdemeanor. This means there is a potential sentence of up to six (6) months of jail time and a fine of $500. In addition, you should know if you two or more conviction for prostitution in St. Louis, then the state can increase the charge to a Class D Felony. If things reach this level, then you could face up to four (4) years of jail and a potential fine of $5,000 (or in some cases, double the amount you made from the john).

We Are Not Interested in Judging You, or Your Circumstances. We Just Want to Offer Our Help

But we have a much different plan in mind!! We want to get the charge reduced to something minor (like “littering,” which does not even show up on your record). And this is a far better outcome than the negative effects described above!

The affordable St. Louis, MO prostitution defense attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company, have been helping people with their prostitution charges for over ten (10) years. Our goal is to make sure that the charges leveled against you do not stay on your permanent record, and do any lasting damage. And we want to do all of this at an affordable price. The fees for a typical St. Louis prostitution case start at $450. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today!!

We have two main locations: in the Central West End of St. Louis, at 1 North Taylor (on the corner of Taylor and Laclede), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!

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