What do you do if you have a mountain of bills from credit card companies, hospitals, and payday loan providers? What should you do if those creditors are calling you day and night (threatening lawsuits, making nasty comments, and causing you incredible stress)? And what options do you have if those same creditors sue you for breach of contract (with an end result of a wage garnishment, bank levy, or lien taken against your property)?
Only $300 Upfront Fees for a Jennings Mo Chapter 13If this (or something similar) describes your current situation, then it would be a good idea to give us a call!! Our specialty is St Louis bankruptcy (either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13). The specific chapter of bankruptcy that is best for you depends on a number of factors. Those factors would include: your total household income, the number of people in your household, the type of assets your own (and whether or not there is significant equity in those assets), and the types of debts you currently owed (because there are different ways in which a secured and unsecured debt is treated in the world of bankruptcy).
A Chapter 7, for example, is described as a total discharge of your unsecured debts (credit cards, medical bills, etc.). A St Louis Chapter 13, on the other hand, is referred to as a repayment plan over the course of three to five years (during which certain debts are paid back). But again, the particular chapter of bankruptcy that is best for you will depend on a number of things. And the best way to determine those questions is a consultation with us (which happens to be free)!
The affordable St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company have been saving and protecting people’s assets for years. Our goal is to make sure that you keep the assets and property you want, discharge the debts that you want to get rid of, and do it all at an affordable cost to you. All phone conversations and office consultations are free of charge.