Are you aware of your options when it comes to a St Louis bankruptcy? Do you fully understand how each chapter of bankruptcy works? Do you know which chapter is right for you? Are you familiar with how the bankruptcy court treats each kind of debt that you have (and which schedule these debts should be properly listed)?
Chances are you can’t fully answer these questions!! But then that makes sense – you’re not a St Louis bankruptcy attorney! And that is precisely why you should give us a call if you have reached the point at which bankruptcy is starting to make sense.
Only $300 Upfront Fees for a Ellisville Mo Chapter 13And when exactly does a bankruptcy start to make sense? Well, let’s see if this sounds familiar: you find it difficult to make ends meet each month; the monthly minimums that your credit cards are demanding is so excessive that you simply can’t afford to pay them anymore; the medical bills are creating a small mountain on the kitchen table; your payday loans are threatening lawsuits for non-payment; collection agencies are calling you non-stop; and your car payments and rent checks are now a couple of months behind.
If this even remotely describes your situation, then it is time you start looking into a St Louis bankruptcy!! Our team will answer all your questions, review your full range of options, and get you back on your financial feet! Whether it is a Chapter 7 (in which all of your unsecured debt is knocked out), or a Chapter 13 (which is described as a repayment plan so that certain debts can be paid back over a period of several years), a bankruptcy can help your situation tremendously.
All you have to do is give us a call! We are ready to help you get your life back in order!
The affordable St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company have been saving and protecting people’s assets for years. Our goal is to make sure that you keep the assets and property you want, discharge the debts that you want to get rid of, and do it all at an affordable cost to you. All phone conversations and office consultations are free of charge.