
Drug Paraphernalia Charges in Kinloch, MO - for as little as $450

Most Kinloch Missouri Drug Paraphernalia Tickets Can Be Handled for Only $450

Do you have a recent ticket for possession of drug paraphernalia in or around Kinloch, MO (or from somewhere else in the St. Louis area)? Are you starting to get a little worried about what might happen with such a charge? Have you thought about just pleading guilty to it? If so, are you aware of the consequences of making this choice? Do you understand the long lasting implications of pleading guilty? Was the paraphernalia something like rolling papers, or a one-hitter, or a bong? Was marijuana also found? Do you know about all the benefits you may receive when you retain the services of a good lawyer?

We Want to Get the Paraphernalia Charge Reduced So That It Does Not Show Up on Your Record

As of January 1, 2017, the following laws regarding drug paraphernalia possession went into effect:

  1. If you are caught with paraphernalia, and it is your first offense, then it is a Class D Misdemeanor
  2. If you have plead guilty to any prior drug-related crimes, then it is a Class A Misdemeanor

In addition, pleading guilty will also result in the conviction going onto your permanent record. With this type of conviction on your record, your chances of getting a good job will be diminished (because of all the background checks that can be performed); you will have a hard time getting a student loan or an apartment; and you will likely lose any governmental benefits you are currently receiving (like food stamps or public housing).

$450 To Take Care of Most Paraphernalia Tickets

But things do not have to go this way!! We have a much different plan in mind! We want to get the charge reduced to something lesser (like “littering,” which will not even show up on your record). This would avoid any of the negative consequences mentioned above!

Kinloch, MO is a municipality in the northern part of St. Louis County.

The affordable St. Louis drug paraphernalia possession attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company have been helping people get out of their drug-related charges for over ten (10) years. Our goal is to make sure that you can move forward with life without a major hit to your record. And we want to do it an affordable price. The fees for a typical Kinloch drug paraphernalia charge start at $450.

We have two main locations: in the Central West End, at 1 North Taylor (on the corner of Taylor and Laclede), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!

Client Reviews
I contacted The Bankruptcy Company for a speeding ticket. The service they provided was excellent and affordable. After emailing them a copy of the ticket, they they took care of everything else. I have referred several friends there, and they all have had the same experience. I highly recommend them. Ann Schrodt
All I'm gonna say is, if your using this office, Jennifer P. Alter gets things done, answers questions, e-mails quickly & professionally .... totally recommend her .... SHE ROCKS!! Andre Valentini
I've used this firm twice, both for speeding tickets. Both times it was zero hassle: just a matter of giving them the ticket. I've also recommended them to my friends, who have had the same experience. (My friends and I speed a lot.) Highly recommended. I'm sure I'll be back. David Rieken
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