Drug Paraphernalia Charges in Berkeley, MO - for as little as $450

Most Berkeley Missouri Drug Paraphernalia Charges Can Be Handled for Only $450

Did you recently get caught with drug paraphernalia in or near Berkeley, MO (or somewhere in the surrounding St. Louis area)? Was it a bong, or rolling papers, or maybe a one-hitter? Did the police officer also find an illegal substance (like marijuana, even trace amounts)? When the officer searched you, did he or she perform a lawful search (or did the way in which the officer searched you violate your Constitutional rights)? Are you trying to figure out the best course of action to take? Are you worried about this type of charge hurting you in the future?

We Want to Get the Paraphernalia Charge Reduced So That It Does Not Show Up on Your Record

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then it is definitely time to speak with an attorney!! The number of people who have tried to move forward in life with a drug conviction on their permanent record is astonishingly high. With a conviction on your record, you will find it incredibly difficult to get a decent job (because most employers screen out certain candidates when they run a criminal background check), you will find it nearly impossible to maintain any governmental benefits (because our politicians have decided that a “war on drugs” is more important than anyone receiving assistance), and even getting a student loan can prove to be very difficult.

$450 To Take Care of Most Drug Paraphernalia Charges

As of January 1, 2017, the following laws regarding drug paraphernalia possession went into effect:

  1. If you are caught with paraphernalia, and it is your first offense, then it is a Class D Misdemeanor
  2. If you have plead guilty to any prior drug-related crimes, then it is a Class A Misdemeanor

But at The Bankruptcy Company, we have a much different plan in mind. At the very least, we want to try and get the charge reduced to something minor (like “littering,” which is an infraction that does not even show up on your record). This is far better than dealing with the alternative!!

Berkeley, MO is a city in Northern St. Louis.

The affordable St. Louis drug paraphernalia possession attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company have been helping people get out of their drug-related charges for over ten (10) years. Our goal is to make sure that you can move forward with life without a major hit to your record. And we want to do it an affordable price. The fees for a typical Berkeley drug paraphernalia charge start at $450.

We have two main locations: in the Central West End, at 1 North Taylor (on the corner of Taylor and Laclede), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019. The initial consultation is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!

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