One of the most common misunderstandings about filing a Missouri Chapter 13 is that it is impossible to have unsecured debt (like credit cards, medical bills, payday loans, etc.) discharged. In actuality, it is a rare occasion when at least some of the unsecured debt isn’t knocked out. At the same time, this type of bankruptcy allows you to pay off debts on assets that you want to keep (like your car or home).
You Can Still Get Most of Your Debt Knocked Out in a St. Louis Chapter 13To determine how much of your unsecured debt is discharged in a St. Louis Chapter 13, the court looks at your household size and income. If your household size and income is below the median income level, then it is possible to have all of your unsecured debt discharged. If your household size and income is above the median income level, then it may be necessary to pay back a certain percentage of the unsecured debt over the course of the repayment plan.
Of course, the goal of the St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys at The Bankruptcy Company is to discharge as much of your unsecured debt as possible. Our staff has the experience and expertise necessary to accomplish this goal, and has successfully gotten rid of millions of dollars of such debt over the years. Whether you file a Chapter 13 or a St. Louis Chapter 7, our lawyers are ready to give you the fresh start / clean slate that you deserve.
Call us at (314) 932-1067 or contact us through our website The Bankruptcy Company to set up your free consultation with our experienced St. Louis bankruptcy attorneys.