$150 Arrest Warrants for Traffic Tickets in Sycamore Hills, MO - $150
Do you know if there is a warrant for your arrest in or near Sycamore Hill, MO (or perhaps somewhere in the St. Louis area)? Could this warrant be the result of an unpaid traffic ticket, or a court hearing that you missed recently? Does the warrant now have you feeling like a prisoner in your own home, too afraid to venture outdoors? Did you know that if the police pull you over while there is still an active warrant in place, the officer will very likely arrest you on the spot?
$150 to Get Rid of Your WarrantFortunately, there is a straightforward solution to this problem!! A warrant is not the end of the world! An experienced attorney can usually get the warrant lifted, because most judges are willing to recall it so that the underlying Sycamore Hill, MO traffic ticket can be addressed. And if the traffic ticket itself is not handled, then you will find yourself right back in warrant status (which is exactly where do not want to be). Our firm takes care of traffic tickets by working closely with the local prosecutor to get the ticket reduced to a non-moving violation.
Fees for a Traffic Ticket Start at $35Non-moving violations do not come with any points. “Points” are nasty little buggers that sit on your permanent driving record, and do nothing but make your life more difficult. For instance, if you receive too many of them (especially over a short period of time), then the state can take away your driving privileges. This can happen if you get eighteen (18) points within eighteen months (if this occurs, the state of Missouri will automatically suspend your driver’s license for one (1) year). And at the very least, your automobile insurance company will jack up your rates through the roof (which only adds to your monthly expenses).
Sycamore Hills, MO is found within the St. Louis area, and has about 825 living there.
The affordable St. Louis arrest warrant lawyers at The Bankruptcy Company have been taking care of people’s traffic tickets and warrants for over ten (10) years. We specialize in making sure that your record stays clean, your insurance rates remain the same, and that you are free to travel about in your car as you please. And we want to do it all at an affordable price. The fees for recalling a standard arrest warrant are $150. The fees for a typical traffic ticket start at $35. But the initial consultation to discuss your legal issues is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!
We have two main locations: in the Central West End of St. Louis, at 1 North Taylor (on the corner of Taylor and Laclede), 63108; and in the Twin Cities of Festus / Crystal City, at 1000 Truman Blvd (Highway 61/67), 63019.