Only $150 - Arrest Warrants for Traffic Tickets in Castle Point, MO - $150
Is there an active warrant for your arrest in St. Louis? Is it possible that the warrant is from an old traffic or speeding ticket you received? Did you then lose or misplace the ticket, and miss the court date? Are you now too scared to drive anywhere or even go near a moving vehicle? Did you realize that if you are pulled over (or even if you are a passenger in the car), and the police officer runs your driver’s license, you are probably going to jail?
$150 to Get Rid of Your WarrantThe way a warrant normally comes about is when you stick the Castle Point, MO traffic ticket into your glove compartment, and then forget all about it. The court date for the ticket passes without you (or an attorney) appearing, and the judge issues a St. Louis traffic warrant from the bench. This kind of thing happens all the time (to the poor and the rich, the old and the young, and the tall and the short).
Fees for a Traffic Ticket Start at $35Luckily, there is a solution to this problem! An experience St. Louis arrest warrant lawyer can get the warrant recalled so that you will not get arrest. Our firm does this by going directly to the judge who issued the warrant in the first place, and ask that it be lifted. Once the warrant is taken care of, a St. Louis speeding ticket attorney can work closely with the local prosecutor to get the underlying ticket amended down to a non-moving violation.
A non-moving violation (as opposed to a moving violation, like a stop sign infraction) does not come with any points assessed to your permanent driving record. “Points” are like little red flags that make it look like you are a bad driver. As points add up, your automobile insurance provider will increase your monthly premiums. And if enough points accumulate over a short period of time, then you can lose your license altogether. For instance, if you receive eighteen (18) points in an eighteen month period, the state will suspend your driver’s license for one (1) year. But having one our St. Louis speeding ticket attorneys handle it for you eliminates this outcome.
Castle Point, MO, is a city near St. Louis with a population of about 4,000. It is situated just south of I-270 Highway.
At The Bankruptcy Company, our goal is to make sure that your record is as clean as possible. No warrants, no points, no outstanding tickets. This in turn will keep your car insurance in check, your driving record clear, and will allow you to stay on the road driving freely. The fees for a standard warrant are $150. The fees for a typical St. Louis traffic ticket start at $35. And the consultation to discuss your legal matters is free of charge. So contact us today to learn more!!